What is it called when you are super sad?

When someone is feeling very sad, they may be experiencing a period of depression. Depression is a common mental disorder that is characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in life. People who are experiencing depression may also have other symptoms, such as difficulty concentrating, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, and feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness. Depression can be severe and can interfere with a person’s ability to function in their daily life. If you are feeling very sad, it is important to talk to a healthcare provider or mental health professional who can help you manage your symptoms and develop a treatment plan.

The National Depression Hotline is free, and available 24/7/365 to help you or a loved one talk through depression and getting help. Call us now at (866) 629-4564


Medically Reviewed By:

Robert Gerchalk

Robert is our health care professional reviewer of this website. He worked for many years in mental health and substance abuse facilities in Florida, as well as in home health (medical and psychiatric), and took care of people with medical and addictions problems at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. He has a nursing and business/technology degrees from The Johns Hopkins University.

Our Mission

Our goal is to provide resources for people struggling with depression. We know how hard it is to find reliable, and free resources to help yourself or a loved one. This website does just that. If you want to talk, getting help for depression is only a phone call away. Our free hotline is available 24/7.

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